Chromebooks as a service device, student unit and loan device (OY-Mittelberg)
Schulen Oy-Mittelberg
The elementary and middle school Oy-Mittelberg is a school in the municipality of Oy-Mittelberg in the district of Oberallgäu in Bavaria, Germany, which teaches students from the first to tenth grade.
The Challenge
During the pandemic, as many robust loan devices as possible were needed for remote lessons. Service equipment requires a high degree of possible uses in class and for teaching. & Nbsp; The full equipment of entire grades with private end devices is a condition for the pilot test "Digital School of the Future" of the Ministry of Culture in Bavaria.
The Solution
Rental devices: 45 chromebooks and chrome reflex for older desktop PC. The devices are mainly used with managed guest sessions. Service devices: 21 Chromebooks with Windows parallels as a supplement to Chromeos for maximum accessibility. Private student equipment: Chromebooks for 5 classes subsidized by the Free State of Bavaria.
The Results
In combination with different learning platforms, the entire classroom management and teaching structure via the devices are used. The students also use: inside the devices for internet research and lectures.
The Highlight
"My son is very happy about the new form of schooling (free work, no more frontal lessons!)"
"The Chromebook could be used even more in class, it would also be great if all school books were available on the Chromebook as an e-book."
"Great part! My son likes to work with the Chromebook! It's a really great thing."
<em> parents of the children </em>