Using Google Educational Services during Pandemia and War
Dragomanov University
MP Drahomanov National Pedagogical University (Kyiv, Ukraine). Provides future teachers of all branches of sciences: natural, humanitarian, etc.
The Challenge
Due to the challenges facing our university in recent years, we had to quickly find effective solutions to organize learning in a digital educational environment and select effective digital tools. For us, it was an extremely important issue in ensuring the safety of the educational process, protecting digital educational data and reliability of software.
The Solution
We have successfully used the free version of the Google Platform for more than 15 years, but given the new needs, we decided to launch a new updated Google Workspace Plus Plus platform because of its important benefits over safety, reliability, verification, authentication pandemics and subsequently during martial law.
The Results
Google Workspace for Education has been deployed at the university with the ability to provide advanced licenses for staff and university students. The free trial period provided by Digital Schooling partner was especially useful and necessary for us to check the relevant features before buying a package.
The Highlight
Головною причиною вибору платформи Google Workspace for Education Plus для нас було те, що її сервіси завжди доступні та інтуїтивно зрозумілі для людей. Викладачі та співробітники університету швидко оволоділи навичками роботи з Google Calendar, Google Meet, Google Drive, і Google Docs тощо.